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Church of St Mary, East Ruston
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Northrepps
Church of St Mary, Old Swinford
Church of St Mary, Tivetshall St Mary
Church of St Mary, Burford
Church of St Mary, Felmersham
Church of St Mary, Marston-on-Dove
Church of St Mary, Somerleyton
Me, in a tree at the Church of St Mary, Swerford
Church of St Mary, Haversham
Church of St Mary, Oakley
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Stevington
Church of St Mary, Bungay
Church of St Mary, Reepham
Me, on the narrowboat 'Sculptor' at Stoke Bruerne
Church of St Mary, Fawley
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Elsing
Me, on a bridge over the Oxford canal
Church of St Mary, Gainford
Church of St Mary the Virgin, South Darley
Church of St Mary, Brome
Church of St Mary of Pity, Burgate
Church of St Mary, Rickinghall
Church of St Mary, West Somerton

Big Ted Online

Travels of a Bear (with splendid fur!)

Do You Have A Label?

It used to get cold and quiet in St Mary's in Plumtree from time to time, 'specially in the Winter, so Little Ted and I had to find things to keep us occupied - other than snoozing, of course. [It prob'ly still gets cold and quiet, but I'm not there to enjoy it now!] There's only so much snoozing a bear can do, even I can't snooze all the time. So, we chatted about things: naughty children who visited us in the Children's Corner, how old we were, where we came from, and stuff like that.

It's odd that we ended up in a church. Who put us there? Were we in a house before that? Perhaps we even belonged to someone - a child maybe! So, we looked for clues. 

A picture of Little Ted to keep him happy!As you know, Little Ted (pictured on the right) has funny feet and a grumpy face (he can't help that!) but there is nothing else to say where he came from.

But after a bit of searching, Little Ted found a label on me. It's on my bottom (that's why I couldn't find it myself - it's also why there's not a photo of it, 'cos it would be rude) and it is quite faded. It says: "Suba Seal - William Freeman Ltd - Made in China". And it has a lot of washing instructions on the back - that really is quite unnecessary!

[At this point I would like to say that, shortly after the discovery of this label, I was forcibly removed from St Mary's and put in a horrid washing machine where I whizzed round in foamy water quite nauseatingly, and for a ridiculous length of time. And then I dripped for ages. I think Little Ted had blabbed about the instructions on the label! Mind you, my splendid fur was particularly splendid afterwards. And my T-shirts, trousis and cardigan got a wash as well. I was squeaky clean ready for my next expedition.]

Anyway, I asked Auntie Fiona what my label meant. She did a search on the interweb thingy and found that "Suba Seal" was a brand of hot water bottle made by a company called William Freeman in Barnsley! The business closed in the early 2000s. The bottles had a push-in stopper and a snap-over cover. A Hot Water Bottle! I pointed out that there was no way that I was a hot water bottle [I don't think the water would stay inside me for very long]. She said that was true, but that I probably was a "very special novelty cover for a hot water bottle" in my previous occupation. Well, really, I was not impressed at all (but it does explain the handy pouch where I keep my spare clothes). She also said that my being a hot water bottle cover also explains why I'm so huggable (which was a nice thing to say, and is also very true).

A different hot water bottle coverThere are lots of different hot water bottle covers, and some are quite silly like this thing on the left. I think this would give someone bad dreams, like too much chocolate cake (I mean, eating too much chocolate cake giving you bad dreams not bad dreams about chocolate cake - is that even a thing!). But I digress, again!

How I got to Plumtree from ChinaThen Auntie Fiona showed me a map and pointed out China on it. This is where I was made. It's a very big country, much, much bigger than Britain, and it's miles and miles away from Plumtree (I've made you a map so you can see how far it really is - if you click on it, it gets bigger).

I really don't feel like a Chinese bear and I certainly don't remember coming all the way to Plumtree from China. Do you think it was on a boat or a 'plane? It must have taken ages. And it still doesn't explain how I ended up in St Mary's church in Plumtree.

So there you have it. Who’d have thought that a humble ["humble", Big Ted. You?!] hot water bottle cover would end up as a Roving Ambassador Extraordinaire, visiting St Mary’s churches all over Britain. Despite my lowly beginnings, I hope you'll still give me a hug if you see me around.

But, do you have a label that tells you where you came from? Or do you just have funny feet and a grumpy face like Little Ted.

Love, Big Ted Big Ted's paw print
