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Travels of a Bear (with splendid fur!)

Out and about again

Out and about again

Added on 04 February 2024

Well, this is exciting. Uncle Les and Auntie Fiona have bought a new "Tedmobile" and I've just had my first trip out in it. There's lots of space in the back for a bear to lie down and snooze between churches, and it's nice and clean so there's no chance of messing up said bear's splendid fur and nice clean trousis.

I learned a few new words as my driver and navigator got to grips with the various bells 'n' whistles (more like "bings 'n' buttons" actually) associated with a new car. The SatNav lady sounds nice (not nearly as bad tempered as the old one) but she does repeat herself rather. It takes five instructions to turn left - I'm sure the old lady just mentioned things twice (but she was a bit stroppy)!

Anyway, I got to visit four new St Mary's churches: Duddington, Warmington, Tansor and Southwick; they're all in Northamptonshire. It got a bit dark and rainy and the "low petrol" light was binging (we fed the tank and it soon stopped), so we came home early.

I've added pictures and stuff about the churches to my Northamptonshire page and I've also updated my big direct'ry so you can see where the villages are on my Detailed Map and in my 'betical List.

There are rumours that now I have a new "Tedmobile" we may get away on holibobs again. I'll be keeping my paws crossed!
