What an Exciting Day!
Added on 09 October 2021
I've had a very exciting day today! It's been sunny so Auntie Fiona and Uncle Les took me out of Kibworth to a nearby village (it was Great Glen, Big Ted) where they were having a Harvest Fair in and around the church. There were lots of stalls and CAKES and such. But most exciting was an event called "Teddy Bear Abseiling" - so I had a go (TWICE). We were abseiling from the TOP of the church tower!
Technic'ly, I s'pose it wasn't abseiling, more like a zip wire but it was still great fun. The bit I didn't really like was going up to the top of the tower in a buttock bucket with the other victims intrepid ursine aviators. I hit my nose against the wall a couple of times which wasn't pleasant (but you'll be pleased to know I wasn't injured and my splendid fur remained unsullied).
These three pictures below show me making my ascent of the tower (click on a picture to see a bigger version):
- Uncle Les handing me over to the (very nice) lady who was running things (I've cropped the photo a bit 'cos there was an injured bear at the bottom and I don't want to upset any squeamish readers). The rope looks remarkably like a bell rope to me!
- Halfway up the tower in the bucket (got the spelling right this time). I was feeling slightly queasy here as the bucket (and again) was spinning round a bit and hitting the wall.
- Nearly at the top of the tower, where a man clipped me into a harness (aka coat-hanger) and released me back down on the zip wire.
Auntie Fiona also took a couple of videos of my ascent and descent, you can see them below. Actually they're videos of my first descent and second ascent (which was worse than the first!) 'cos she was having trouble with the phone and the other videos she took were, frankly, rubbish! [If you're going to complain, you can try filming it yourself next time, Big Ted]. The coming down video is much shorter 'cos it was fast (that's prob'ly why it's called a ZIP wire - snigger).
Love, Big Ted