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Big Ted Online

Travels of a Bear (with splendid fur!)

Hello readers!

Hello readers!

Added on 08 March 2023

I've not said much lately 'cos I've been really busy having my annual major snooze - some bears call this hibernation. But it's getting a bit lighter out so it's time to wake up.

Also I have to get ready for my next holiday later this month! I'm going to be staying in Essex - which isn't a totally new county, I've only been there a little (see my Suffolk & Essex page). So I'm making sure Uncle Les has lots of information about St Mary's churches that I can visit (I hope he gets it right this time [snigger!]).

I'll let you know when I'm back and I've updated my pages (with Auntie Fiona's help, of course).

Big Ted's Paw PrintLove,
Big Ted

