Gone fishin!
Added on 01 September 2022
Hello Dear Mr/Ms Reader,
I've gone off on my hollybobs again; this time mostly to Oxfordshire ('tho I do hope to sneak in another county or two to annoy Auntie Fiona - she has to do the techie bits to help me with this website).
I will add the details of all the lovely St Mary's I've visited when I get back home to Kib (and when Uncle Les has sorted out all the photos).
I'll be in touch soon.
Love, Big Ted
Hi again! I'm now back from my holidays and in need of a jolly good snooze. However I thought I'd let you know that my website has now been updated with details of the EIGHTEEN St Mary's churches that I visited. Twelve of them were in Oxfordshire and the other six were in Berkshire, a county that I'd never visited before.